
Why You Should Be Retrofitting Your Business With New Fire Sprinkler Systems

23 Dec 2016
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Up until the 1970’s, buildings were not required to have fire sprinkler systems installed while the building was being constructed. Nowadays, many business owners struggle with this as their buildings must be retrofitted with new or improved systems. They believe that installing or retrofitting with systems would be too expensive and outweigh the benefits.

Many advancements in the world of fire protection have certainly become important things to consider. Technological advancements have allowed many more buildings to be fitted with high-tech fire sprinkler systems. More flexible piping systems now help bring water into buildings with greater ease when compared to the rigid steel pipes of thirty Retrofitting Fire Sprinkler Systemsyears ago. These new pipes are easier to maneuver in an existing building and have made the task of retrofitting much easier.

The benefits of having an updated fire sprinkler system obviously outweigh any negatives. According to the National Fire Protection Association, the damage from a fire can cost anywhere from 40-70% less in a building where proper fire sprinkler systems are installed. This doesn’t factor in the incalculable cost of loss of life in a fire.

As if that wasn’t enough, there are actually other benefits that come with retrofitting or installing sprinkler systems beyond safety. The amount of water pollution that is put out into the environment when fighting a fire is lowered when an effective system is installed while greenhouse gas emissions that are released during a fire may be cut by up to 98%. Older buildings that are retrofitted with updated fire sprinkler systems may have their insurance premiums cut by nearly 50% after all necessary inspections and tests are completed.

Unfortunately, the retrofitting of many fire sprinkler systems are done out of necessity and not by choice. Sometimes building owners are only forced to retrofit their facilities after a catastrophic fire has occurred in the nearby area. However, sometimes tenant demand can help create the need for building owners to make their building as safe as possible.

It is important that all business owners find the time to have the necessary fire inspections every year to look for any problems. If you would like more information on retrofitting fire sprinkler systems or to schedule your fire inspection, contact A Total Solution, Inc. today.

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